Updated 2/3/2025
Having issues with your machine?
We created a test file programmed using Vectric, Carveco, and Carbide Create (v6) that we know works correctly.
Please download and run this file to verify things are operating correctly.
This will help narrow down any issues you may be having.
Although we provide the design file fore each one, you only need to download the .nc or .ngc file (the gcode) and run it directly on your machine.
Job Setup:
Minimum Stock size: 5" x 5" x .25"
Calls for 1/8th bit (upcut/downcut is fine)
XY Zero is lower left.
Z Zero is top of material.
Vectric Design File (v12):
Circle Diamond Square Test Vectric.crv (85.5 KB) -
Gcode for BB Controllers:
Circle Diamond Square Test GCode for BB_vectric.ngc (10.2 KB) -
Gcode for Masso Controllers:
Circle Diamond Square Test GCode for Masso _vectric.nc (19.3 KB)
Carveco Design File:
Circle Diamond Square Test Carveco.art (1.2 MB) -
Gcode for BB Controllers:
Circle Square Diamond Test Gcode for BB_carveco.nc (2.1 KB) -
Gcode for Masso Controllers:
Circle Square Diamond Test Gcode for Masso_carveco.nc (2.1 KB)
Carbide Create
Design file (Carbide create v648):
Circle Square Diamond Test Cabide Create.c2d (16.5 KB) -
Gcode file for all controllers:
Circle Square Diamond Test Gode for both Masso and BB_carbidecreate.nc (27.5 KB)