Powering on the CNC it starts by displaying “INFINITY BOOTING UP” and then it would usually progress to the screen asking if I wanted to “home the machine”. Now it displays an “HDMI” message in the upper right hand corner and then goes blank. I purchased a new HDMI cable but get the same result. Any ideas?
Just out of curiosity it depressed the emergency stop (Red button on top) and reset it and it now working. I am glad it is working but don’t understand what happened.
My guess is that the HDMI message was just your monitor showing something when it turns on and the 1F was not on. Leave the 1F off, turn on the monitor, and I bit you’ll see that same message.
Thanks for your reply. I reset the estop on the top of the controller and it came up ok.
same problem but e stop button didnt fix it
It could be the order of powering up. Always power on the display first, then the controller.
Mine just started having this problem. It is happening in the middle of a cut. HDMI cables are fine. Screen goes black then after a few secs it pops a HDMI message and comes back on does this several times why connected
I’m having the same issue. Tried different cables. No luck. I’ll try the “power on the monitor first and then the controller” trick and see if that works.