Homing Error & locked Z travel

Alarm Homing Error & locked Z travel

Woodworker Elite upgraded from BB pro. Using Aspire software. Elite Z-20 Breaking Stepper Motor.

Problem: Alarm Homing Error with Z carriage seems to be frozen in place. All motors have red error light.

Lead-up: I milled a 0.75 diameter hole before installing the new Z-20 Slider and a 0.75 hole after installing the Z-20 slider. The hole before upgrade was perfectly round but the hole after upgrade is asymmetrical. I attempted to tram the unit by placing a square board underneath the spindle mount and gently lowering the unit until it touched the board. My touch may have been too aggressive and everything locked with motor error alarm.

Follow-up: I opened the F1 screen and cleared the red on all axis, rebooted. When I turn on the controller all motors immediately show red error light and the CNC is unresponsive. I can unplug the unit and manually move the X shaft in the Y direction and manually move the Z slider in the X direction. I cannot move the Z Linear Bearings and spindle mount up or down. The Z motor seems “locked” in place.

Question: How do I clear the alarm and reengage the Z motor?