Is there a way to run a gcode from a remote computer

Hey Stephane,

you can transfer your g-code file without the UI, you have to put it into /var/lib/bbctrl/upload. Then it is found automatically. The bbctrl application runs as ‘root’ (which is rather unusal and unnecessary and shows the original author did not grow up on unix)


scp -p my_g-code_file.ngc bbmc@onefinity.local:/var/lib/bbctrl/upload

will not work, you have to write it as ‘root’ because of the directories’ permissions. You can of course change the permissions of the directory, or simply transfer it with

scp -p my_g-code_file.ngc root@onefinity.local:/var/lib/bbctrl/upload

from a remote computer (if you set a root password on the onefinity controller).

Uploading the file triggers building some helper files in /var/lib/bbctrl/plans.

The file appears on the pull-down input field on the UI then.

The difficulty is then to run the file by a script or the command line. You may trigger the UI page from remote with web tools or you may of course, as it’s open source, write something more comfortable easily if you get to know the code (onefinity-firmware / buildbotics-firmware).

Note: The password for user ‘bbmc’ is ‘onefinity’ and due to a sudoers rule, you become root with ‘sudo -i’ by supplying this password again.

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