Is this considered a 1/2” offset

I’m trying to do a carve and my bit is 1” diameter. If I set the bit 0-0, I am over the edges of my piece by 1/2”. To compensate for that overhang I should move my bit + 1/2”x and + 1/2”y to make the edge of my bit the new 0. Does that sound right ?

Yep, when you zero the milling motor over your material corner, it is considering it the middle of the bit that really has no dimension. You have to tell the software what size bit you have installed, and in your example, you would have 1/2 inch to the outside and inside of that corner.

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Hey Kneepit,

If you probe with the touch plate and the XYZ probing procedure, the probing procedure will automatically take into account the diameter of your bit (that’s why it asks you to enter it in the popup) and then subtracts it automatically.

Later, when the g-code program is running, this program knows the diameter of the bit you use and mills in a way that it takes its diameter into accout. Besides of this, you don’t have to care of bit diameter.

You always just have to make sure one thing:

That the workpiece zero coordinate in your virtual 3D model is zeroed (be it manually or by probing) on your workpiece exactly at the same position of your workpiece. The zero coordinate has no dimension or diameter, it is just a point in workspace.

How to zero your workpiece

Zeroing your workpiece means to allow the machine to know where you attached your workpiece. The relevant thing is to tell the machine where the zero coordinate is in real.

If you want to zero manually, simply do it this way:

If you want to zero with the XYZ touch plate, simply do it this way:

  • How to probe with the XYZ touch plate on the Onefinity CNC

    Here you are asked by the machine what is the diameter of your bit, but it needs that only for the X and Y probing movement (to be able to subtract the diameter automatically).

    For the subsequent milling of your program, the diameter of the bit used for probing has no importance. You could use a rod for probing (and enter its diameter during probing) and only put the bit in that is expected by your program after probing.

    IMPORTANT: You say you use a 1" bit. :warning: You have to know that you cannot probe XYZ with all kinds of bits. E.g. you cannot use a surfacing bit with the touch plate. But you can use the method explained in the video instead:

    Bits compatible with XYZ Probing

Further reading