Jtech laser help

I just got the jtech laser for my 1f. I watched the video to install the laser, and followed it accordingly. I tested the laser using the small switch, which worked. I purchased the Vcarve laser module (i chose xcarve GRBL, per some recommendations on here). I set up a text to laser engrave as a test, hit calculate, and saved the laser toolpath then sent it to the 1f. I turned the laser on and pressed play, but the laser itself didnt turn on. The 1f moved as if it was preforming the job, but the laser wasnt firing. As for the post processor, I tried both onefinity laser inches, onefinity laser mm, and GRBL inches. none of which worked. im not sure if im missing something, doing something wrong or if something is messed up.

I also watched a video how to test fire your laser, to see where the laser is sitting on the workpiece. He used m3 s25. he also advised to start at m3 s10 and go up from there. I tried all the way up to m3 s30 and nothing happened. any help would be greatly appreciated. This is super frustrating.

Have you tried unchecking the dynamic power checkbox under the tool setting on the onefinity controller? In order to test fire the laser this must be unchecked. Then when you are ready to run your job/program, check the box again.

ill try it, but thats not the biggest issue. I appreciate your reply, though.

before we diagnose toolpath stuff…lets start simple. when you turn the laser ‘on’, is the fan on the jtech control box and laser head spinning?

yes, theyre both running. i also got a new laser cable from jtech and a new onefinity controller from onefinity.