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Because I want to jog the router not go back to a fixed position. Going to project home is okay as long as that’s an unmilled corner. But if I home in the center of the material I will potentially have milled away material so I can’t set Z off that position. I need to move the router to a position that still has original material height left to zero off of.

If 1F comes up with that as their fix then I can get rid of my customization. But I am now responsible for doing that. Easy enough for this example but what if I decide to change my workflow and always use the lower left for my project home and I’m not milling that corner so I can use my modification. But they change the default to go somewhere the controller determines has not yet been milled and only allows Z axis movement. Now I still want my mod because it works in my workflow. But can I keep it or is their change going to execute first and then my customization or vice versa? Or do they kill my customization altogether?

I have found that customizing core functionality of most systems to provide what should be a general use case when a reasonable workaround exists, often turns out badly and requires more customization that cascades over time making a hash out of things. Especially when the producer has acknowledged the issue and stated they’re working on a solution.

So it’s not that I fear making the change, it’s that I don’t want to dig a hole that I then need to climb out of.

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