I have a 2 sided 3D carve, with a roughing and finishing tool path. (as well as dowel holes)
each toolpath is several hrs long (especially the finishing pass)
I seem to remember a post where the OP was able to shut down the controller and restartat a later date.
I understood this was between tool paths.
Seems there is a way to record the absolute, or offset settings so you can restart the job later?
maybe someone can refer me to the correct post, or share this info.
All I do is before power down, send the machine to my work offset (0,0 of the workpiece) and take a photo of the 1F webpage noting the absolute XYZ positions.
Upon power up and after homing the machine, I issue the following:
which translates to:
G90: Absolute mode
G0: Rapid movement
For extremely detailed carvings, even this is not guaranteed to be dead on and I suggest doing an air carve first.
Here’s another option to avoid stall homing repeatability issues.
Face your stock for correct thickness / Z-height.
Profile the front left corner of your stock using the machine. Make sure you actually get the edges to achieve a machined surface and establish a clean reference.
Shift your CAM origin to this location for subsequent toolpaths.
Use the touch probe on this machined corner to re-establish your origin each time you fire up the 1F.