Lots of Wonderful Signs...has anyone used their CNC for something other than signs?

Pretty impressive.

Did you cut out a mould for a cement cast?. If im correct, what did you cut the mould in?

Hi. The second image is the mold. It may look like it is a positive, but it is a negative.
It is polystyrene insulation.


I was setting up my Rotary axis and cut this out of HDU, for a test run. HDU cuts really easy, but it’s a lot like someone throwing sand all over your machine. Anyway it wasn’t too hard to get it up and running…


Looks great. Id live to do 4th axis milling. Did you set up you 4th axis on an elite or an earlier machine.

I set it up on an Elite. Pretty straight forward. I am not familiar with the Buildbotics arena…

Thank you. I think i will wait to see what the cist of the upgrade to Elite is before i consider 4th.