Manual tool change with tool setter

How do I change the tool and let the masso controller know a different tool is inserted so it will rehome z0 on the tool setter?

Just re home every time you change the bit when MASSO has not asked you to do it.
See Cncnutz on utube

Are you talking about just the Z axis?

I can’t speak for the Masso since I don’t have that unit (I’m running a Centroid Acorn). But by and large, regardless of controller type, rehoming multiple times (or even just once) during a program run doesn’t seem like a good idea.


Not during the program. Mainly after startup or between projects. Let’s say I want to home XY with the touch probe, but there is a tapered end mill in the spindle. Or I want to quickly insert a vcarve bit to check if my rotary is centered.

I’m talking with masso. And i agree not during a program as masso tells us to change tool but we always re home if we change a bit and masso has not instructed us to do it.
Sorry if I made it confusing


In order for the Masso to do this, you need to save several files together in a single file. If you are using V-Carve for example, you need a different tool number for each tool in the tools list. Also set the Masso up with tools definitions, page F4 that match your vectric list. Once you load a program and press cycle start, it should position your milling motor over the tool changer (if that is properly set up) and direct you to change to tool specified in both softwares. Once the tool is loaded, press cycle start and it will measure the Z and start the spindle and head to the work position automatically.

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Yes, I know all that, but that is not an issue for me.

I have cross posted to the Masso website, and just gotten an answer there, apparently there is a MDI command and a second option through the settings to inform the Controller about the tool change.

Apparently this is the answer:

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This time I shall thank the Masso Forum, they got the correct answer.

After a manual toolchange (not when Masso ask to change the tool during a program) the correct procedure is:

Go to Tab F4 Tools and Offsets
Click on the tool number you just inserted
Click on Auto Tool Zero in the pop up screen.

Masso will then recognize the tool change, move the tool to over the tool setter and Auto Zero the tool.

It seems even possible to change the tool with this procedure during a cut:
Freehold, spindle stop, change tool as described, spindle start, cycle start.

That would be useful if the tool is blunt during a tong cut.


Under normal circumstances, why not use MDI to issue the tool change before you change it? Then, Masso will move to the tool change location and ask you to change the tool. You press cycle-start after changing it, and it measures the offset against the tool setter.

This doesn’t handle your mid-carve situation, but it seems like the normal way to handle this, right?

I just would not know the correct MDI commands. For me it is very easy to go to the F4 screen, press the tool number, the tool change button and be done.

What are the MDI commands for a tool change?

It’s one of a handful I know and the one I use most often.

tXXm6 where XX is the tool you want to change to.

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It’s also nice that the MDI screen caches your past commands to you can select past commands from the list rather than typing them out.

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Hey Tom,

M6 (Tool Change)

M6 will stop the spindle and prompt the user to change the tool based on the last T- number programmed.

You may or may not have programmed in your CNC controller a position to which the spindle is moved for the manual tool change.

T (Select tool)(optional)

Tx - prepare to change to tool x.

The tool is not changed until an M6 is programmed (see Section M6). The T word may appear on the same line as the M6 or on a previous line. It is OK if T words appear on two or more lines with no tool change. Only the the most recent T word will take effect at the next tool change.