I am going to get a 220volt spindle now that they are supported. what is the slowest/fastest speed the redline spindle will do? can my build Botics controller control the spindle I am still using 1.09 If I upgrade the controller to the latest software and I do not have any of the new goodies (revolution atc etc.), yet will my machine still work? would that be ok for the current machine ( X50 journeyman with Makita router using vetric carveco pro.) I just had bypass surgery, and I have been out of commission for about a year so I am just new getting back into the swing of things now.
I do not know about the speeds of the spindle as I have not received mine yet but as for the firmware. Yes, it will still work. I updated mine and have no problems. Pretty much the same setup as you. You will like the macro feature. I have only programed a few of the macros i.e. park, tool change location. and a couple simple programs that I run the most like a keyhole program and flattening
thank you very much.
Heres a question…im still running makita and have always noticed on a standard cutout in maple for the size of a deck of cards, approx 1/2" deep multiple passes 1/4" end mill, the last pass (all passes relatively slow) still leaves uneven tool path marks that need chisel and/or sanding…question is, if i upgraded to a redline spindle, would that problem be fixed?
I would doubt that. settings and the quality of the bit determine your finishes the most.