Max effective speed?

I was doing a speed/power matrix, and seems like with .25” squares the max speed the 1F reaches is about 250IPM, maybe less. Is this an understandable acceleration/deceleration issue or is there a max speed setting somewhere in the BB software?

I guessing it’s the former and a longer or wider span would allow the device to reach much higher speeds?

Each axis has a max-accel and a max-jerk value that control the movement, there are a bunch of older posts about editing these to make carves go faster.

If using lightburn enable 1/2" to 3/4" overscan. This will enable the machine to come to speed prior to firing the laser in the right spot. Not sure how in vcarve.

Also I believe the onefinity max is 350in/min or something like that. To be honest it is probably better to target 100 to 200 for consistency with lower power

I think the main draw back with using the onefinity as a laser is the mass of the Z assembly complete with the addition of a router or spindle. I purchased the original 4W Jtech, but very soon found its limits with regards to speeds and cycletimes
There is also some movement in the mounting bracket and magnets on the onefinity laser mount
Most of my engraving is carried out using a 10W diode with speeds of around 8000 mm/min = 315 in/min
The mass of the moving Z including the laser module is only a few grams however to ensure crisp edges a small % of overscan is required.
High powered CO2 lasers are capable of even higher speeds due to the fact that the moving mass of the Z is actually a lot lower due to it being mainly mirrors and lens.
Most commercial CNC’s quote high cutting speeds but most take an age to reach it. Heller are one of the world leaders in high feeds and speeds there are some really interesting videos on YouTube
Like at lot of things trial and error are the way forward find the limit and back off by a certain % to make it workable

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Do you think it would be worth it to remove the spindle/router if one is doing a long laser job?

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I think it may help as its removing mass
Another thing to consider is the orientation of the job, we manufacture a fairly large number of signs / labels and often turning the orientation by 90 degrees a difference in sharpness of lines and a massive difference in cycle times
Another way to improve sharpness of engraving is initially laser the outline on a lower speed and power before filling in the shape or text, this is also often true if engraving with a bit into metal or wood

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It would definitely allow for changes to max jerk and max acceleration as less mass would change the thresholds.

I have mine turned up quite a bit to help with 3d carves and 300in/min was to much with the router and 44w laser when it tried to reverse directions. Again that is because I have my settings jacked up.

The s curve acceleration model is fine for Easter type cuts as you can overscan (start moving outside of burn boundary) and be up to speed while burning but for engraving where you are following the lines your feed rates will be dynamic based on directional changes. This is true even on the smaller lasers or independent ones but they as noted before have much lower mass… The reality is though most of them are not running at top speeds advertised either as it is advertising what the motor can do not what the assembled unit can do.

Ok, essentially the same subject … different question: I have an X35 Woodworker. I’m ready to move up to a laser. Do I get the J-Tech or do i go stand alone and get something else? Would you get the J-Tech again?

I bought the jtech 44w because I didn’t want to sacrifice the space of a standalone but I am hobby only

Ok, essentially the same subject … different question: I have an X35 Woodworker. I’m ready to move up to a laser. Do I get the J-Tech or do i go stand alone and get something else? Would you get the J-Tech again?

I have a Woodworker along with a Jtech Laser
A lot of products we make are drinks coasters and cutting boards of various shapes and sizes with some standard laser lettering and some personalisation along with bits of corporate brand stuff.

The Jtech works really well I use Lightburn software and the results are great in fact I am sat typing this as the Onefinity lasers some items we have just sold on Etsy

Advantages are 1 machine one footprint 1 extract system

Disadvantages While your lasering you cant cut and the other main factor is the lasering speed due to the size and weight of the Z assembly on the Onefinity the feed rate on the laser is a lot slower than that of some dedicated laser machines.

I recently purchased a stand alone laser which i am in the process of setting up drop in jigs so i can do several products at a time the Z assembly is basically just the laser and a simple clamp thereby reducing the size and weight meaning it can user much much higher feed rates

Do I regret buying the Jtech no I don’t it gave me a chance to expand my product range
Will I now sell my Jtech no I won’t its a useful back up and also allows me to do large items and if I have already machined a stock of blanks I then have 2 lasers to work with

In summary I guess it depends on what you want to laser, if you want to engrave or cut and what sort of size and quantities you want to produce and if its hobby or commercial

There are as many arguments for a stand alone as not


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