This message is for Onefinity. I sincerely hope the ATC dust boot receives the attention it deserves and ships in line with the huge backlog of Redlines and I hope the dust boots are being made now. We’ve had our machines sans spindle, we don’t want to receive the spindle soon and then wait a while longer for the dust boot. I don’t want to buy another dust boot in the meantime I just want one boot that is confirmed to work with the ATC. Thank you
We are working very hard at finalizing the Suckit SM ATC dust boot.
We will be listing this for preorder very soon. Stay tuned for news here and we’ll send out an email blast!
since I do not expect my new elite to come before like April I am hoping that the redline backlog and the dustboot and ATC problems will be solved. order # 54823
I would like to see them release the file so we can have the dust boot printed locally and have it in a week rather than 16 weeks. Just wishing.
Onefinity is there any update on the ATC dust boot and do we know if it will ship with the ATCs if ordered?