Dust boot for RapidChange ATC?

When will the dust boot for RapidChange ATC become available?


I have the Rapidchange ATC direct from RC, not 1F and it works amazing, I ordered a dust boot from https://www.franciscreation.com after seeing it in action on YT, it gets here Thursday so I will know more after install but also looks to work very well and simple to install.
Anyway my 2cents.


Whoa. That’s slick! keep us updated on how you like it. I may just order one myself. :slight_smile:

Got the dust boot, very easy install but there have been an issue or two or maybe just one.
First the location of the ATC vertically is important, I found with mine that the brush on the dust boot would trigger the tool detection and shut it all down, I ended up milling a pocket .700 deep to set the ATC in ind this solved the problem. Also you do need to set the z location you want the brush to move down to when you start the machine, this is pretty normal but it will not work if you don’t ( very easy to do and takes about 4 seconds) Lastly the dust boot is very nicely made, 3D printed of course but very nice but it is a little flimsy, this does not affect the operation at all but just feels flimsy, overall I am very satisfied with it and no regrets at all. I would buy it again, be interesting to see what 1F comes up with.

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