Metal workholding options

Hi ! I’m planning on milling aluminium from time to time and wanted to know about workholding solutions. From my research, it seems metal workholding solutions are VERY expensive (at a minimum of 250€ for a small vise, but most likely 1000+€ for a proper one. Are there any workholding solutions that don’t cost a fortune ? I’m willing to sacrifice micron-level precision, I’m not a spaceX subcontractor :grimacing:. blue tape + cyano is an option but i’d rather use a vise.
here are the solutions I saw :
SMW modular vise : SMW Modular Vise (Gen3) – Saunders Machine Works
GT cnc vise :

Thank you !

I mill mostly aluminum with my modified Woodworker X50/Masso/Jianken ATC spindle setup.

I use a variety of workholding depending on the stock material size and toolpaths.

The SMW Mod Vise, Accusize (73mm wide) screwless precision vise, and Carbide 3D Tiger Claw clamps get the most use.

I have examples of all in use on my YT channel if interested…TMDesign


thank you for your reply! I’ve already watched some of your videos;) Is the Accusize screwless precision vise a good versatile option in your opinion ? I can’t justify spending multiple hundred dollars on a complete set of workholding solutions for the moment:(

It works well for smaller stock that comes with at least one pair of opposite parallel faces. I use a lot of 16 mm cast plate that when I rough machine smaller meets that criteria. I bought a set of parallels which allows for greater flexibility. This vise does not have the ‘bite’ that the SMW interchangeable jaws have, which is why there is a need to have two parallel faces.

I find unsupported material to be the greatest factor leading to poor finish/chatter and dangerous work holding, so I try to avoid that at all costs. This often means coming up with creative solutions.

I like the size of the Accusize as it does not take away too much from my Z travel, and it works for the smaller stock I use it for. I also feel it provides greater holding force comapared the the jaws of the SMW vise, at least with some stock and tool paths.

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