Need product ideas

I have a customer that would like a gift he can give to nurses. He wants to spend $20 ea and would like to place an initial order of 100 units.
The customer would like it to be made from wood and include the company logo.

I am asking for ideas please.

coaster set, 4 pieces for 20 bucks


Something similar to this?

Nurses.eps (1.3 MB)

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Nice order. A couple of thoughts;

  • If you know a nurse, try asking them.
  • Include a label that has your details on it.
  • If it cost more than you intended, then treat the margin loss as an investment in marketing; this might be an excellent opportunity to reach out and promote your services to lots of people.

The nurses I know like a beer, gin or wine, so the coaster idea is a good one, but I would err on keeping the company logo as subtle/small as possible else; in my opinion, they won’t be used (I have received branded coasters, and they get “hidden away”.)

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I so appreciate your suggestions. I knew asking you all for input would be fruitful. A set of coasters with a note including my business details. Keep the logo small. The included note suggests some type of packaging. Packaging is something to :thinking:

You could maybe package them in the blank from which they were cut? To me that would be pretty cool and suggest how they were made. You could put a larger logo in the center of the panel rather than on the coasters.


dave, I am struggling with the eps file how do i use it ?

Depends on what software you are using but should open up in most Vectric products when you import vectors.

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You could do simple Christmas decorations or fridge magnets.

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i am using vcarve pro and could not open it. i did try another way and my son got it ,this pm meanwhile i used some graphics on line an came up with the same thing as you . i would say great minds think alike but clearly you are way ahead.

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brad I love how this idea speaks to origins very cool

Cell phone stands are useful. I’ve done some with a laser and they’re repeatably used. My wife loves her’s.

Other ideas:
Critter Phone Stand
Mother’s Day Project

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I really like the phone stand and the simplicity of it , it certainly lends itself to my needs and room for information