Car Show needs Cribbage Board that looks like an Old Car Wheel/Tire

I have been asked to create a cribbage board for a Charity Fundraiser. The board will be in the shape of an classic car tire/wheel. The card and peg storage cover will be a hub cap. Wondering if anyone has done this already, if so I am requesting assistance if you can help. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Vectric has a round cribbage board in their projects section. It has a round removable cover in the center that covers a compartment for pegs and a deck of cards. There is a video and downloadable doc to show how it’s made, and the “.crv” file is also there if you are using their product. It seems that this might be adaptable to your project. Keep us posted!


Should be pretty easy to do. What software are you using? I would start off with getting the hubcap and figuring out what size hole is needed for it to fit into. Just remember wood moves so I wouldn’t make the hole too snug or it could crack the wood if it shrinks. There’s plenty of round cribbage board plans on the internet.

How advanced are you in the world of CNC? You could make a basic round board with a recess in the center for the hub cap or you could go much more advanced. If the fundraiser isn’t for a a week or two I might make it look like a tire and wheel. If it’s a club holding the event I might put the name of the club on the side of the wheel like they were the tire’s manufacturer. Otherwise I would probably just find the Goodyear logo. It really comes down to how much work you want to put into it.


I haven’t seen a cribbage board in the shape of a classic car tire/wheel before, but I think it sounds like a great idea! Have you considered wrapping the board with a vinyl wrap to give it a realistic tire-like appearance? A car wrap company might be able to help you with that. Additionally, you could use a hubcap as the card and peg storage cover, which would add another nice touch to the overall theme. If you’re looking for someone to help you design and build the board, I’d be happy to assist you. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help!