Thinking of Baltic Birch .750 Plywood. Need something flat. I know I can cut it flat after install prefer not too, and something stable.
Spoil board will be MDF
Don’t want aluminum. Does anyone have any other ideas?
I am considering 1 1/2 to 2 in maple with dog holes. But I have not decided and interested in what others are doing. Today, I have another machine with an aluminum bed. I may integrate the aluminum and MDF.
I did a very short youtube on how I made my xcarve waste board. I plan to make my Onefinity the same. Looking to find a more stable base material to use instead of MDF.
waste board should be just that… sacrificial. aluminum is flat and stiff but not cheap or forgiving on end mills. I use aluminum with mdf on top. Not an elegant solution and wastes z space.Better answer???
I created a desk from MDF (so it as flat as possible), then I will mount an MDF spoil board to the desk, that is replaceable. Something I can flatten a couple times but also has work piece holding capabilities. Might be t-track or dovetail. Unlikely I’ll have an aluminum base unless it has MDF on top so it can be flattened and replaced. Something similar to what Wesley Treat did:
I’m going to use 2 layers of 3/4" particleboard on a 2x4 frame with a 2x4 base with a 3/4" mdf spoilboard. I haven’t seen anyone else use particleboard for the table top & since it was half the price of even the cheapest plywood or mdf, I figure it’s worth a shot.
Not sure how much vibration the onefinity woodworker will create, but the added weight & density of the table shouldn’t hurt.
Particle board should work just as well as MDF. The only advantage MDF might have is the surface is completely smooth, but you should be able to get that with particle board as well. Nothing beats a nice piece of baltic birch though!
Make sure you cross brace your legs, or attach them to a nearby wall or something. The machine will generate a lot of lateral movement.
I’ll probably do a surfacing run on the particle board before I attach the spoil board & give everything a coat of sanding sealer to help seal the grain then give a light sanding with 220g to make for a nice flat mounting surface for the spoil board.
I’m thinking about using a sheet of 1/4" plywood on the back & one side to attach both legs, top & lower shelf together. I’d like to have some storage under there, so I may add some doors or drawers to help keep stuff clean.