Onefinity CNC Firmware 1.4.2 (9/25/24) (X-35/X-50/Pro machines w/ BB Controller) (Outdated Firmware)

1.6 has now been released



Update file. Download Here: 1.4.2 Update

1.4.2 Release Notes


  • NEW: Added text to the play, stop, load, ect buttons for clarification as many didn’t understand the difference between the upload FOLDER button (which only sees folders with gcode in them and will not show gcode) and upload FILE button (which only sees gcode, not folders).

Use the FOLDER button to upload a folder that has a bunch of gcode files in it.
Use the FILE button to upload a single gcode file at a time.

How To Install:

  • Updating via WiFi
    If your controller is connected to your home internet, the controller will automatically find the update. At the top center of the screen the words: upgrade to 1.4.0 underlined in blue. Click that. Click update via web button and let the system do it’s thing.

  • Updating via USB
    You’ll do an update via USB using the following steps:
    After downloading, DO NOT UNZIP THE FILE!!!
    Copy the blue .bz2 file above onto a usb stick (it must be formatted as fat 32 or ntsf). Click the flyout menu (three bars on top left), general, under firmware click ‘UPLOAD’. Select the 1.3 file.
    If you are on firmware 1.0.8 or lower, it may ask for a password.
    the password to update will either be buildbotics or onefinity

Manual on how to update.

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I ran into (what I think) is a bug in 1.4.2 today. I was dialing in a tool path to see if it was going to do what I wanted. I was only running the fist minute or so of the code and then pushing the pause button. After pausing it I would then press the stop button. The first couple of times I did this I didn’t have a problem.

The 3rd time it stopped just fine but I couldn’t use the gamepad to move it. I then noticed that the buttons on the screen were partially shaded out and couldn’t be pressed. The only solution was to press the E-stop button. When I did it lost the zero and home positions.

I didn’t think to take any pictures but I can try to repeat it this weekend if needed.

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Running 1.4.2 X-50 Woodworker

Updated to a Z-20 Slider, noticed after resetting the configurations for the Z-20, all the saved project folders were deleted.
Just beware if updating and you don’t have some back-up cutting files, or like me created a lot of folders.

Not sure if this has been discussed before but I found that there are characters that this (and possibly the 1.4.1) update doesn’t recognize. I uploaded a file with a tool name that had a degree symbol in it and it either barfed it out or didn’t let me see it. Once I deleted the degree symbol it was fine. Are there other characters that we should stay away from?

This how the tool was in my tool library
3/8" 60 deg GrooVee PN: 8675309*V60°

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Yes, all the special characters like:

!@##%^&*()__}{":>?+_ and so forth.

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I just received a replacement controller for my Machinist. It has 1.4.2 loaded. I noticed that unlike the older firmware, there is no pause button. The Run button no longer changes to the Pause (||) Icon, though clicking on it does, infact pause the job. Was this intentional?

It will be fixed in the next update.

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I updated my controller from 1.0.9 to 1.4.2 but now when I upload a large file the controller disconnects from the wifi and it will not save the file. Seems like any file over 10,000kb will not load. Any suggestions?

have been using 1.4.2 for a bit now… I control my machine from the touch screen and my phone and sometimes a separate laptop. The interface does not do well across multiple devices. This used to apply only to the ‘home now’ button on startup but now applies to the selected folder and file as well. Today I also encountered an odd situation. My Laser started firing when the machine started the execution. This was the 3rd file I ran today since last restart. I looked and realized I had not changed my machine type to laser - odd given that the previous files worked fine although my assumption is that the laser fired at 100% instead of 15 which was fine for what I was doing. As I came back though from changing to laser spindle type the files and folder were gone. It still showed the file preview on my phone and laptop and allowed it to be run. It still however kept the laser firing when doing rapid moves. Multiple restarts, no files to be found and laser would still fire as soon as play was pushed. Restarted, uploaded the files again and things are working find again. Very strange.

So tried the web update and now its stuck at processing new file screen and still says v1.3.1

Not sure what to do now. I cant get past this screen.

reflash the SD card as something on the gcode is stuck (most likely non-gcode)

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So now it does show the 1.4.2 but still has the stuck “Processing new file” screen. What is the next step? I formatted the card as per your instructions and use Pi imager to write the card. Is there a factory reset by chance?

It sounds like you might be encountering the behavior described here:

1.6 has now been released: