1.5 Beta 3 for BB Controllers (9/23/24) (outdated firmware)

1.6 has no been released:



1.5 Beta 3

This is the fourth release version of firmware 1.5

This is test firmware. As with all test/alpha/beta software, DO NOT INSTALL unless you like to be on the bleeding edge and can live with potential bugs.

Beta 3 changes:

  • All items from previous betas
  • (FIX) Fixed issue when we update xyz state values in sequence. Sometimes it is not restoring the state values. Changed the logic to update all the values in parallel.

Download here

(click the blue link below to download. Do not unzip the file.):
bbctrl-1.5.0-beta-3.tar.bz2 (2.7 MB)

How To Install:

Updating via USB
You’ll do an update via USB using the following steps:
After downloading, DO NOT UNZIP THE FILE!!!
Copy the blue .bz2 file above onto a usb stick (it must be formatted as fat 32 or ntsf). Click the flyout menu (three bars on top left), general, under firmware click ‘UPLOAD’. Select the 1.3 file.
If you are on firmware 1.0.8 or lower, it may ask for a password.
the password to update will either be buildbotics or onefinity

Manual on how to update.

Beta 3 first impression is it works! It correctly recalled axis offsets following homing after e-stop and or reboot! I’ll keep using it this week on a few projects. Thanks!


Great! Keep us updated!

Did you test networking? Was it able to get ip address from router?

Yes, I use wired ethernet networking, which successfully negotiated requesting an ip address (which is a reserved ip on my UBIQUITI UDR).

I ran the machine yesterday for a quick project and it worked as expected. It’s really nice to be able to estop to turn off the power to the steppers and have the machine remember my origin offsets when i bring it back up and home again!


On my side I still get the same but I hade with beta 2. Here’s the video again. Although it does not happen systematically…

your video is using an old beta. update to beta 3.

@OnefinityCNC I know, but as I said, it did the exact same problem, I just did not bother to take another video. I am running beta 3 right now

Can you try flashing the SD os back to 1.4.1 , then update directly to 1.5 beta 3 and repeat the test?

I did reflash 1.4.1 on top of 1.5 beta 3 than flash again 1.5 beta 3 and it still does it.

@OnefinityCNC Is there a way to boot from a USB drive instead of the SD card? this way I can do a clean flash every time instead of flash over the existing firmware since the SD card is not easily accessible.

I’m tagging in @DEV_D @DEV_S here to assist.

You need to remove the micro sd card from inside the controller and follow the link provided above. better yet get a new sd card and a fresh flash. its amazing how many issues get resolved doing this.

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Correct, you need to pull the sd card and reflash the os fresh, not a “downgrade” with an upgrade file like you’ve tried.

I agree the best way is to do a clean SD reflash. The problem is that it takes me a good 30mins to be able the remove the SD everytime then another 30mins to put everything at its place. Keep in mind I always try every single alpha or beta bersion.

BTW my power button wire inside the controller is too short, I can’t just slide the cover, at a certain point I will damage the wire and it will not pass under warranty…

@OnefinityCNC @DEV_D @DEV_S Is there any other way to clean reflash the SD card without removing it? By SSH for example, if yes, how?

Or is there a way to boot from a USB flash drive instead, this way I can reflash everytime and test it.

If there’s no other way, I will have to try the easy way and simply flash over it since in theory it doesn’t change much, it’s more of a precaution, just in case, in order to eliminate any variables in the process of testing.

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No, you must remove the sd to flash it.

Do not use alpha/beta firmware if you are unwilling or don’t want to have to pull the sd card to reflash often.

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Hey Masrawy,

be aware that depending on the controller version you have (power rocker switch vs. power pushbutton) the access to the SD card is different:


I ran another project tonight. I noticed when the file was running, the play icon remained a play icon, even during pausing, the icon only showed play.

Everything else seemed to work great.

I still wish running a macro wouldn’t make the drop-down forget the file I was working before the macro ran.

I go at it from a different way. I pull off the front plate with the switch. Then slide the top cover over after flipping the toggle to disconnect the switch part from the Emerg stop button. see pics.

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@OnefinityCNC if a file contains the # character in the filename, it will be uploaded and analyzed but will not appear in the dropdown list. Although, if I try to delete it, it appears and I can check it to delete it…

Is it normal behavior? I am not quite sure if the same problem happens with other characters

yes, try to avoid odd characters like: @#$%^&*())><{}|

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