My boss is a big mechanical pinball guy. His favourite maker is Gottlieb, so I made him a backlit logo sign. Coloured epoxy (4 pours), walnut case, led tape lights.
Sweet. Do you create the entire thing in mdf or wood and then surface the rear or do you start with a mold type thing? Looks good.
Really Nice! and I am with KenA, I would love more details on how you did this. The lettering details on the bottom right are really making me curious. The case and lights seem pretty straight forward, the epoxy pours, not so much. Please share.
I used a scrap piece on 3/4” pine as a base. Did the black outline first (1/4” oversized) and poured it. Then the red triangles, poured, then the white, poured (each 0.25 to 0.3” deep) and lastly the lettering.
Then I flipped it over took 1/4” off the whole thing, and the re-cut the red and white areas a couple of times to just creep up till the back of the epoxy was exposed
Thx, came out great!
Did you v-carve or is the width of each line the same width through to the back?
I used straight pocket carves (with 1/8" and 1/4" spiral mills) for everything except the text which is vcarved with either a 90 degree vbit, or a 30 degree (for the smaller stuff)