Plastic blast gates

I was asked to make some blast gates for a friend which were similar to mine but made out of plastic (mine are maple).

Each one was made out of 1 large polypropylene (PP) cutting board from a big box store. They have a built in spring lock that holds them open or closed and are sized for 4" schedule 40 PVC pipe.

Interesting thing about drilling the holes in PP was I used an Amana 1/8" ‘O’ bit but the bit kept loading up with melted plastic which I had to clean off about every minute. I finally solved the problem by running the router at a speed of 1 with pecking depth of cut being .05 and full extraction after every bite. I did try a 1/8" compression end mill, but had more of a loading up problem than with the ‘O’ bit.

I made all the other cuts with a 3/16" compression em at a router speed of 3 and 60 ipm and a depth of cut of .15 with no problems and perfect chips.

3D tabs of .2 & .2 worked perfectly.

Here’s a case of a Makermade router works fine for me.


How did you bond the 4" pipe to the blast gates?

He’s bonding stubs to them, then using couplers. I think he said he used Gorilla Glue epoxy on his sample. I’ll see him tomorrow and ask him.


He said he’s using Gorilla glue with no problems. If he does have a problem, he’ll switch to epoxy.

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I tried bonding hdpe; impossible.

This is polypropylene (PP)