Probing Round Stock

How would I go about in probing round stock? Figure a 14" round x 2" thick piece of pine, like those found on three legged stools? How do I x, y, z probe that using my touch probe?


I have seen some people make a right angle fence, with each arm running parallel to the X and Y axis respectively. Then treat it like a square to find the centre of the circle, and probe Z from the centre point, using it as the work zero point as well. I think it may have been Jason Stewart in the FB group that did a video clip about it.

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Wow, seems involved…

Perhaps this could work:

Charlie’s touch probe software for $10 has the ability to zero center on round stock easily and quickly.



Ahhh, good ole’ Charlie!

Love it

Yep I can attest that it works great too. I have and use the toolbox myself. :slight_smile: It does a whole bunch of other cool stuff too.


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So Alex, just to be clear… I will be able to probe correctly all three axis of my round stock, correct?


That is correct, you just enter your dimensions in the tool and it exports the correct gcode for that centering operation. Then you start your carve BAU.


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Totally awesome, love it! I did miss the sale though. Any promo codes out there? :smiley:


Do you not still need to know the radius, and have the circle registered to the rays of a right angle?

Maybe a mistake you say $10 but on site says$ 20

That is a big price jump though not enough to break the bank for me.

You can probably get by lining it up close to the middle of one side and then touching off. But, if you wanted to do it the precision machine tool method, you would touch off 3 points on the workpiece (hopefully you get record a touch–probably with an edge finder or something else) and then fit the bestfit circle. At each touch record the X-Y location of your machine coordinates, then run some EXCEL to calculate the best fit circle–though you need to use the solver function.

…or use this online one I just found:


He was offering it for $10 through end of 2020, if you reach out to him he may extend the offer to you.


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