Saving XYZ zero on Masso?

I have 18" round wall hangers I have made for Christmas, because they are round, I have to center off the center of the piece. Is there a way to save that center instead of marking the piece and finding it every time? I could probably just write down the coordinates before zeroing X & Y - but it seems like there should be a easier way.

I looked into “Work Offsets” - but that seems better suited for doing multiple pieces in 1 run.

That’s what work offsets are for, they give you a way to save a zero position. Create a G55 with your offsets and run with G55. This is assuming you are fixtured to repeat the position of your workpiece.


Thanks! They are fixtured for repeatability.

Man I love this machine!!! I’ve gotten more done in the past week after receiving it than is 6 months of fighting and making expensive firewood with my xCarve that sits idle in the garage, The xCarve was a GREAT learning experience, but untold levels of frustration and walnut into the fire pit :slight_smile:

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