But I’m still confused. Do i tap into the power lines before it hits the unit. That’s what the wiring diagram shows… kinda…
The power supply that comes in the black box is 36v, and the relay is 24v
Nice to see you back in the forum again
I use a Masso relay module for my Estop circuit - I think you have seen the sample diagram in their doc - and it stops the Z motor. The brake also activates when power is off to my system, such as when I shut it down. My driver is a combination driver - 4 axes in 1 - and its Estop input is part of that controlled by my relay, It also has a fault output, which I currently use as a Masso motor alarm input - it puts the CNC in feedhold and stops the spindle. I have open loop steppers, and so far all is working, but to be honest the only tests I have done (need to do!) is through the Estop process. I have a few Masso relays, and a few spare locations on one. One future project I was considering was to use the driver fault signal to also trigger an Estop - wouldn’t be hard to do with a spare relay. I have had no trouble recovering from Estops. My setup has highly repeatable homing, and combined with Masso’s jump to line memory feature, I can get back to resuming machining (I have only had to do this once, but it worked).
Hey Chris,
so it doesn’t look like this:
I am not familiar with Onefinity’s enclosure, so am not sure how they get 24VDC to power the Masso from a 36VDC PSU. Adding a separate power supply and relay module can get tricky in that I believe the different comm- need to be tied together. What to do may not be difficult, but how to do it on a ready made closed system with limited opportunity for modification is the hard part.
Yeah, like i said from the factory it comes with a 36v power supply.
I have a 24v power supply coming in from an angel investor who wants this to work, and i don’t understand why the power has to be tied in (ground does at minimum). Masso makes it look like it has to be, and 1f didn’t follow massos guidance on wiring the tool setter but i got it to work with 1f wiring anyways but i digress…
the signal wire should be more important than the power wire. Now if the power is cut on the 1f box i get that it won’t cut power to the secondary power supply (because their independent of each other), so splicing into the power/ground line seems to the only way to make it work together… which raises back to the original point, if connecting to the ground and power terminals is bad basically because their under powered, how does tapping into the main power source make it better.
I do love the challenge but getting it to work without braking (lol) anything is getting to be more troublesome than i figured it would be. Taking the ground and power terminals really threw a wrench in it.
Yes, it doesn’t look like that. @TMToronto posted that sharing his experience days after the elite was announced and taking orders so nothing more than the proof of concept existed at that time
The relay should afford you several options when it arrives. Did the Elite come with a wiring diagram for the Masso Touch, or anything that explains what magic happens inside the main black enclosure Onefinity built? I am curious as to what they have the Estop output (ES) of the controller doing/what the orange wire attaches to?
Nothing. But the cables are somewhat labeled.
The orange wire is the the vacuum trigger wire for the back of the black box. I haven’t been able to identify where the estop ttl output wire goes to in the black box.
That is unfortunate. Perhaps Onefinity is willing to answer these questions - I imagine opening the case will void warranty. I believe the Masso ES output signal can control at least two relays, which is why I was asking about the existing wiring. Depending on how you want the break wired, there are a few options. I like my current setup, which I believe you can also accomplish with the new relay. Once you have a plan I would run it by the Masso team on the forum, in particular any issues using a separate PSU to power the relay, when it is controlled by the controller ES with a different/separate connection point - who knows it may not be a problem in this use case. As I described earlier, I like my Estop to stop everything including the brake, and it also activates on power down as the brake engages when power is lost to the system. The only other connection/control would be the closed loop steppers, but again I am not familiar with how Onefinity has wired their alarm outputs.
I wonder if when you hit the big red button it’ll kill the vacuum too, or maybe the router… i don’t know i haven’t used either connection… like ever.
I use an iot relay for my dust collection tied to my spindle and plug my water pump into “always on” on the same relay
Long story short i can tie in a new power supply as long as i connect the negative.
I have built my own system so am unfamiliar with the Elite’s specific wiring - again would be great to have some schematics made available at some point
Because I have machined mostly aluminum to date, I only recently added a vacuum, and have no plans for now automate its function, at least not until I decide on a final dust shoe design that works with my ATC.
I also use an IoT relay - they are great - to control my rotary vane vacuum pump when I use it for work holding (its control comes from a pressure valve).
At least you asked. I with Masso’s support there will be a solution available in short time.
I picked up on something on the bagillionith watch of the elite announcement video…
They said something to the nature of hitting estop will kill the router and dust collector… the es port goes to A so it sounds like obviously theres a relay in there and its connected to those 2 ports. Im stating the obvious there but i see 2 courses of action.
- unplug the es wire, and not have it shut down the router/vac on estop (seems sketch, especially if theyre tied into the motors) or 2. splice into the wire on the new relay. Im just brainstorming Here they say “multiple modules”, but don’t say how many. Since there is 3x groupings of 6, i would assume it’s up to 3 relays modules… now how to connect multiple relay inputs to the es port… that is the question… off to go searching, wish me luck
I would follow this diagram, and go for your option 2, which takes the ES output signal and splits it into 2 wires.
One wire leg connects back to the Onefinity’s black box and whatever relay module they are using (not sure if they used a Masso relay as I do not know what the Elite machines need 6 relays for).
The second wire leg - of the new ‘Y’ you made, goes into your new relay module as in the diagram below (depending on what you want to control). Everything subject to Masso approval of course. Not sure what tapping the ES will do to Onefinity warranty.
Only thing it can void is the g3 (you can’t void a car warranty for installing aftermarket parts, cold air intake for example… you can void components of a system, but not the whole system. Can’t say the CAI caused problems with the drive chain) if modifications cause damage. There’s no “warranty void if sticker removed/broken” items.
G3 being a component, which 1f doesnt provide support for anyways, and defer anything dealing with it to masso (wiring for example) or software related to anything they don’t have preconfigured… i don’t see the loss since anything done is unsupported by them anyways and you asked about wiring/ power and got nothing. they even refused to tell me if they had a working prototype tool setter when i was trying to get settings information when trying to get it to work.
It’s shady and probably in violation of some law/act (Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act comes to mind) for them to say you can install 3rd party accessories if it was their intention to void the warranty if you did, especially when they end the list with “and much more”. I understand they can’t provide support for any or every 3rd party accessory, but they shouldn’t withhold information either. It’s can’t be clarified as a trade secret.
For the diagram, thanks. I know I’ve seen it before. Now that I’ve had a chance to digest it, 1, 2, & 5 are pretty straight forward… 3 and 6, I’m at a loss for what’s going on… probably because i don’t know what is plugged into either of them.
I had considered this approach, and couldn’t understand why someone just didnt lay it out in a simple diagram…well I’ve looked at the diagram, and decided it’s way over my head. I’m just gonna make stuff.
I think they are just showing that there are also options for having TTL outputs controlling other things like the SSR and driver, and those in turn also impacted by the Estop.
I understand. I drew up a wiring diagram and sent it in response to an email chain with peter. I don’t think there’s any issues, but i asked him if there was anything glaring.
I did also ask if there was a problem wiring in the power supply to remain on indefinately or if i needed to install a switch to turn it off, and