Z20 w/Braking motor E-stop drop, preventative setting

I am running the 1F Elite Foreman with a 80mm ATC spindle and the 1F braking z motor. Not sure if anyone else experiences this, but I thought I would post along with my ‘fix’ to prevent it causing issues in a carve.

I often hit the E-stop button if I know the machine is going to be inactive for a period of time while I’m in the shop… but not for so long that I want to shut it all down. I do this mainly because I don’t want to listen to the ‘whining’ noises that come from the steppers. They’re like a dog whistle to me… LOL.

However, when I do so, the Z axis drops about 1/4" before braking. Not a big deal, except I learned the hard way that if you reset the E-stop and just continue carving, your zeroing is now off by that 1/4". The way to correct it is simply to re-home the machine after resetting the e-stop. This is easy to remember when turning the machine on, because it makes you do it. But it is VERY easy to forget if you are resetting the E-stop after having activated it while the machine remained on the whole time.

My solution was to go into the homing screen on the F1 setup tab, and there is a box you can tick for ‘request home after E-stop press’. Check that and it will tell you to rehome just like when you first turn on the machine.

Hope this helps someone.


Anytime you hit the estop, always rehome.

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Great tip … thanks, Mike!

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