Star knobs and clips, what are they for?

I just received and finished setting up my x50, qcw mount from below, suckit pro, and 10” lcd and I’ve got a few giant star knobs that I can’t for the life of me figure out where they go. Anyone know what these are for? They came in the same bag as these clips (which I’m also not certain what they’re for as they are too small for a dust hose).

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those are the self leveling feet for the QCW not sure what the clips are for by any chance do you kno w the size of bolt you used to mount your y rails to the QCW

The clips are to attach the Y axis stepper cable to the far side of the QCW frame. This image is from the rolling folding stand manual.

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The knobs are the Any Surface Leveling Feet, They will screw into the QCW or QCW stand legs. The clips are to hold the y cable along the front tube of the QCW frame.

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Hey feenixfire,

that are one of the most important parts of your CNC machine. They allow you to adjust your machine for coplanarity, which is extremely important on gantry-style CNC machines, which have two Y axes at a greater distance one from the other. If your machine is not adjusted for coplanarity, it will only produce twisted workpieces.

That is probably also the reason why Onefinity now includes them with the QCW frame (before, you had to order them separately here)

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