System Variables

With the addition of macros on the buildbotics controller, I am wondering if there is a way to look at system variables in the machine. As a 25+ year CNC programmer, I use Fanuc macro B from time to time and it would be useful to me at times if I could read data from the controller. For instance a wait code that would not let the program start unless spindle has reached programmed speed. The controller knows the programmed speed as well as current speed as the spindle ramps up. Is there a way to reference these number from the controller? Also is there an area in the controller to store variables like on actual CNC controllers? Like #100=5.0, #101=18,000.

Hello Robert,

Check out: docs gcode
Especially the overview section discusses settable parameters
Also the o-code section for how flow of control is used.

Using those above pages I made these that might help you see how they are used.
Macro for Circles
Macro for surfacing
Not that mine are the best - far from it. You will find others that have made some good stuff.

For spindle delay - that was discussed at some length in the past.
Search for “spindle delay”

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