T-Track Curiosity: Vertical or Horizontal before I refresh my wasteboard

T-Tracks: most (if not all) examples in the forum, I believe, have them running perpendicular to the x-Axis (vertical) rather than parallel to the x-axis. Is this convention or is there a reason? Does anyone have them running parallel to the x-axis and if yes how do you find it?

This is my setup. So far it has worked well for any size project I’ve made. I cut the grooves for the t-track with my table saw using a dado blade. I have extra track I can add to the empty grooves if needed. I made the x and y stops removable for larger panels. After installing them, I trimmed them with the router to make them square with the machine. The dowels make sure they always return to the same spot. My offset origin from machine home if I’m using them is x.25" y.063". I remove the x stops if I’m lasering something large and need an extra 2.5 inches in the y axis. I hope this helps.

( tip: Be sure your calipers are zeroed if measuring the thickness of you material. It’s expensive if you don’t)

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Only one thing comes to mind regarding running the T-track parallel to x. It’s that some of your clamps, cams, indexing squares, or stops may not fit between the Y rails and the beginning of the track.

Admittedly, this may be doubtful, but it’s a thought.

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Speaking about t track looking at the above photos if you own a QCW and cut in to your waste board t track are they available as a replaceable part?

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It’s a convention with a reason. The front of the table is typically unrestricted so sliding the fixture into a track is easier than from the sides where the Y rails can get in the way. Also it is easier to reach the back of the table sliding things fore & aft than side to side at the back of the table. Most people have to bend & reach to extend one’s arms that far. Pushing a clamp is easier at the limits of one’s reach vs trying to precisely manipulate position through a sliding action.

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Quite the set up. You went for both.

Nothing like the burning smell of a bit plunging through the wasteboard into the table.

I can get to three sides of my table but I agree that sliding front to back might be easier.

Parallel to x axis may help use jointcam, as the boards are placed parallel to Y and having t tracks similar to y may help with clamping.


Yep, that’s why it’s a convention and not a requirement :slight_smile: I have access to all 4 sides of my table when I use it. But it’s still easier to get at things from the front (or rear) vs reaching over the Y axis tubes.

Definitely something you want to tune to your tools & workflow.

Thank you all. Good to get view.