Tool Numbering Masso/Vectric

Question. I have an Elite Journeyman using a Makita router. I’m not using a tool changer.
The Masso documentation is confusing.
I was loading my tool database in Vectric and wanting to use the same tool number for each category of bits. EM’s # 1, VB’s # 2 etc. I usually save toolpaths as separate files and run them separately.
Can I load my tools in VCarve giving all the end mills the same number and depend on the Masso controller to run the settings that I entered for each bit I chose for a separate tool path using the appropriate tool on the Masso screen, 1/4” EM # 4.
Just for example: I created a tool-path using a 1/4” Jenny EM that In my tool library I have configured with the data to cut soft pine. Run that. Then just as an example load a saved tool path for a 1/4” Jenny EM that I configured for with the data to cut at the feeds and speeds for (and is also numbered tool 4) hardwood.
Will that work or do I have to save each tool with the different speeds and feed as a different tool number?

The settings for RPM and step over etc are created in Vectric and are part of the G code , Masso has nothing to do with it other than to read the G Code.
Hope this helps.

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I’m slow. So I can do the way I am doing it?

Can you yes… will it work… maybe… if you have back to back endmills, it’ll might merge the toolpaths and won’t seperate them in the post processor… like using a ¼" instead of an ⅛"…

As it was said, you dont need to create a new tool for different material… it’s just for the tool, not the feed/speed

If you’re meticulous enough when saving them, it’ll be fine, and the tool numbers are irrelevant… but it only takes one mistake to humble you

It’s best to give each bit its own dedicated number, then only get creative if you have 100 or more different bits

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I agree with Chris, best to number the tools all differently, it is quick to do.

Okay thanks Guys. I’ll get them all finished in Vectric. Then I’ll number them separately.

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Word of the wise… plug in an external keyboard into masso… makes the process 10x faster vs using the touch screen