Triquetra touch probe

  1. Why is this happening?
  2. Is Triquetra-CNC still in business?

My Onefinity touch probe wire is fraying, so I bought a Triquetra cord. They’re similar, so maybe Triquetra made my original (?). But my original still works as it should. When I remove the banana plug from the plate side, insert the Triquetra and plug the Triquetra into the port, the XYZ and Z probe actions work improperly. First, it skips the step in which the plate is touched to the bit. In the next steps, the bit moves AWAY from the plate in the X, Y and Z axes (of just the Z in a Z-probe attempt).

When I put the original back in place, it works as it should. But I still have a frayed wire that will soon break.

I called Triquetra, and got a “not working number” recording. I sent a contact e-mail, but also checked on how many orders they have on back-log: none. Are they operating? If not, where do I get a new probe wire?

Replacement cable here:

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I’m afraid I wasn’t clear. I’m not looking for another Triquetra replacement probe. The one I have doesn’t work. The original one from Onefinity does, but it’s on its last legs. Triquetra didn’t have a working phone number and hasn’t replied to my electronic query. Is there a solution for the one I bought? If not, is there another company from whom I can get a replacement as well as support after the sale?

If I recall correctly, it’s just a wire with a magnet on the end. It just completes an electrical loop between the router collet and the BB controller. I have no idea why the replacement would react differently than the original. Maybe check it for conductivity, make sure the new one isn’t broken?

Edit: I’d forgotten it also connects to the BB itself with a multi-pin plug. Maybe that connector is wired differently.

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Just Splce the Cable, remove the otter coat, then solder or temporily twist the cabling, warp with insulator tape. If you do not have a Solder gun, twisting the cable will buy you time.

Yoo don;t have to purchase a new probe or cable, just be bold and fix it yourself.

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