I have setup a mini lathe on my Onefinity woodworker and am trying to implement turning tool paths in Fusion 360. I know I can reassign the axes in the buildbotics controller so I thought I would generate the tool paths I need in fusion, use the post processor, and then upload to my Onefinity after reassigning the Y-axis as the Z-axis, Z to X, and X to Y.
Onefinity post processor just won’t output the file I need (see below). Is there some trick here, or would this kind of capability available only through an overhaul of the pp? I don’t know if anyone else has done this.
My intention is to mount an actual lathe cutter to the machine - I’ve successfully done this by generating a milling tool path, but there are a few specific settings I would like to take advantage of.
Information: Configuration: Onefinity
Information: Vendor: Kirbre Enterprises Inc.
Information: Posting intermediate data to ‘/Users/michaelborkovic/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/G-Code 2023/LATHE SETUP/4th axis neck plug - Setup5 - 1001.nc’
Error: Failed to post process. See below for details.
Start time: Tue Feb 20 00:07:37 2024
Post processor engine: 4.6050.0
Configuration path: /Users/michaelborkovic/Autodesk/Fusion 360 CAM/Posts/onefinity.cps
Include paths: /Users/michaelborkovic/Autodesk/Fusion 360 CAM/Posts
Configuration modification date: Thu Dec 7 22:50:48 2023
Output path: /Users/michaelborkovic/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/G-Code 2023/LATHE SETUP/4th axis neck plug - Setup5 - 1001.nc
Checksum of intermediate NC data: 3bbcdae86bc459384770c97300ca4934
Checksum of configuration: f999839a2829b06e87e2f580d3ed944c
Vendor url: https://www.onefinitycnc.com/
Legal: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 by Autodesk, Inc.
Generated by: Fusion CAM 2.0.18220
Error: Turning toolpath is not supported by the post configuration.
Failed while processing onOpen().
Error: Failed to invoke ‘onOpen’ in the post configuration.
Error: Failed to execute configuration.
Stop time: Tue Feb 20 00:07:37 2024
Post processing failed.