V carve pro polycarbonate sheets 5 mm

Hello to everyone,
We are preparing our project for our food truck with some very fine details on polycarbonate plate. We are cutting 5mm thick polycarbonate sheets. And As far as our Acctek AKM1325C can work with ( 1300 x 2500 mm workspace) we would like to know how we can make it easily.
Please suggestions
1 which drill do we need for polycarbonate sheets it as our project got fine shape.
2 how about the end frame on V carve pro So that it’s cut at the end of the work ( inside first then the framing) also which toolpath :grinning:
3 if we can put more work on one sheets or we need to do it one by one
4 Any other suggestions which can help us with our project

Can anyone offer some tips re: feeds and speeds or just some general advice? Thanks and greetings Dave

Pretty sure @TheyCallMeJohn knows a little about this :slight_smile:

I would recommend a 1 flat end mill, down cut. That works for me with HDPE.


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1I would get an 0-Flute, Amana Tool 51411-K or Amana Tool 51404-K
2 Just set it up as a separate tool path in V-Carve.
3 I don’t understand questions.
4 Polycarbonate is not the material to push the limits with it is flexible but tough so any play can cause the bit to chatter.

As for feeds and speeds, I use the manufacturer defaults but I am not familiar with you machine.

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Hello John ,
Thank you for your input. My apologies for not answering soon, regarding the o flute bit. Where can I get the settings input in v carve. I need one bit which can work easily on small vector as you have seen they got sharp edge :grinning:
I did it before on mdf with laser cut
Now we want to have it on polycarbonate sheets
Thanks you so much if you can help me feather. Have a nice day and
Best regards Dave

Hello Guru, thanks for your support I will try it and let you know how it’s work
Many greetings

I think this is what I did:

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Thank you so much for your help :pray::grinning: have a nice day