VFD is flashing "200.00"

For the first year with the Hitachi S1 inverter, Mechatron spindle and Onefinity CNC, everything worked. But it wasn’t a proper set-up. My “on-off” was simply plugging or unplugging the power, the enclosure was cooled by opening the door, and spindle cooling by turning on the separate (Mechatron) cooling pump. Grounding, noise filter and brake resistor were in place, and the only communication posts in use were 485+ and 485-.

Many YouTube videos later, I dis-assembled everything so I could:

  • install a switch in the VFD door
  • add circuit breakers (one for the cooling pump, one for the Onefinity Controller)
  • connect the switch output to a terminal block, then to the VFD
  • reconnect the spindle, 485+ and 485-

I also installed parts that aren’t connected yet (reason is below)

  • 24V DC power source
  • 24V fan
  • 24V contactor to enable 220V power to the 220V cooling pump
  • 110V wire to power the steppers and the controller

Now the VFD flashes 200.00, but no error code that I can find in the manual. The LED for “Hz” is lit, so I think it’s referring to 200 Hz as the max ability (should be 400 so spindle can reach 24,000 RPM). There is another LED labeled “Local/Remote” but when lit, that’s supposed to mean the VFD is in a state for remote control (by the Onefinity, right?). I’ve tried bypassing the new door switch and disconnecting unnecessary (new) wires. I am getting 240V into the VFD.

The Onefinity screen opens as always, and I can jog the steppers in all directions correctly. When I try to run a simple G-code (molding profile with no bit) the spindle doesn’t turn on. The VFD was programmed by the folks who sold me the spindle, so I’m not jumping at the chance to re-program anything. Does anybody know what the flashing LED means?

Hey David,

I neither didn’t find an explanation for this behaviour in the S1 manual. It is none of the error codes listed in the manual. But I have no experience with this model.

When you look at the Onefinity controller’s TOOL page, is the RS-485 communication status “OK”?

You could change P00.01 (running command channel) from “2” (Communication port) to “0” (Keypad) and see if it changes something then.

When set to “2” (RS-485 Modbus communication), you can also enter commands manually into the command entry field of the Manual Data Interface of the Onefinity Controller (in the tabbed section of the CONTROL page), one by one and press “Play”. The command to start the spindle would be S8000 M3, and M5 to stop it again.

The “Local/Remote” LED means: When off, that the VFD is in Keypad mode, blinking means: The VFD is in Input terminal control mode, and constantly lit means: The VFD is in RS-485 communication mode.

Maybe you should write to the Hitachi support.

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More details:

I tried Aiph5u’s suggestion.

  1. When I changed the VFD parameter 00.01 from 2 (remote) to 0 (keypad) the spindle began spinning.
  2. I just noticed that a thumb drive in a USB port on the back of the controller has a flashing red light. Embarrassed to say, I forget what that thumb drive is for.
  3. On the “Tool” page, I don’t see RS-485 at all. I see “Pin 15” and “Pin 16” (empty white circles):

But I also see this:

Hey David,

That is a good sign. This means probably the RS-485 / Modbus communication is what makes the error. You could re-check the RS-485± cable.

That is probably the receiver part of the Gamepad. Mine blinks red too, and it looks like a USB thumb drive.

sorry, I was imprecise. The field to look at on the TOOL page is under “Modbus Status” and is the field “connection”. If Modbus over RS-485 communication is running without error, this field contains “OK”. Otherwise it contains “Disconnected” or “Timed out”:

This would mean that the error lies in the connection between Onefinity Controller and the VFD.

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Hitachi Tech Support said:
“After looking over the information you provided, I believe this could be a Modbus problem. All your wiring appears to be landed correctly, but disconnecting and reconnecting the Modbus may be causing the Modbus error. If the problem is in the Modbus configuration or the Modbus controller, you will need to contact the machine manufacturer for assistance.”

Onefinity Tech Support said:
“We do not offer technical support for spindles. If you are using a spindle, you’ll be 100% reliant on the community or your spindle manufacturer for assistance.”

  • I rechecked the parameters set in the VFD (unchanged).
  • I checked for resistance between the pins in the serial port and both RS485 terminals (thus, the wire and its connections) and found none. I did find that the port hadn’t been seated properly when this began (but it is now).

Unless the original error leaves some kind of persistent confusion that isn’t resolved by restarting the whole thing (repeatedly) I am really stumped. I had a working system, but now I don’t. Frankly, I’m increasingly aware of my limitations with electronic systems, but those limitations make me ask whether I’m the kind of person who ought to buy a Onefinity machine.

Hey David,

Hitachi too says it’s the Modbus connection. What type of wire do you use for the RS-485 serial connection? And did you use the wire ferrules with the color code matching the wire gauge?

The specification is in the S1 manual on the page 5-4-7.

And what about my question: What is displayed under Modbus Status in the field “connection” on the TOOL page: “OK”, “Disconnected” or “Timed out”?

I used stranded wire (don’t recall the gauge) and connected through an “HLing” (Chinese company) DB25 port. The VFD ends do have ferrules, but not color-coded. There are only two wires in the cord and it’s not grounded. Here’s a photo of the connections:

And a (short) video of the VFD:

The Modbus Status is “Timed out”

I can’t find a paragraph for 5.4.7. in my manual. It goes from 5.4.3 to 5.5. There is a section about the RS485 connections at 9.4 (including 9.4.7, which is on p. 192) but I didn’t see gauge specified.

I’m happy to change this out if you think it will help (what gauge is required? Should it be grounded?). I did notice (after the first fail and several attempts to diagnose it) that the adapter had not been properly seated at the back of the Onefinity controller. It is seated now, and I found no resistance with a probe on each of the RS485 terminals in the DB25 Port and the VFD. (I checked at the screw heads, not just the wire)

Did the failure cause a condition that requires me to do something that lasts longer, such as flashing the drive, or other “back to square one” tactic?

Hey David,

if it says “Timed out”, then there is no connection. I would check/replace the cable. I think the problem can be solved this way easily and you will not despair anymore :slight_smile:

You are right, there is no wire gauge and wire ferrule specification in the S1 Manual, but there is this hit for “AWG”:

By accident, I had looked into the Hitachi WJ-C1 manual instead.

However, there is a specification for the wire gauge for signal cables and the wire ferrules in the WJ-C1 manual on the page 5-4-7:

Here you see the wire gauges and the wire ferrules specifications.

This is how to insert them into the VFD terminals (on WJ-C1, sorry!).

The RS-485 serial connection is a balanced connection and using a shielded, twisted pair communications cable is recommended.

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Lessons learned:

  • The Hitachi S1 flashes a number when it’s turned on but not while directing the spindle to rotate. The number refers to frequency, and is 1/60th of whatever RPM the unit used most recently. When the unit performs a carve it displays a steady number (also frequency). Unlike other flashing lights, it’s not an indicator of a problem. Assuming that it was a problem with the VFD complicated the analysis this time.
  • A “Modbus problem” doesn’t necessarily mean “a problem with the parameters set in the controller or in the VFD”. It might refer to those, but the phrase also refers to a defect in the physical wire connecting the controller to the VFD. That was the problem here.

As with uncounted numbers of Onefinity users, I am indebted to Aiph5u for donating his time and technical expertise. Thank you (again) very much.