Hey guys, I’ve been reading and following along in the forum here for a couple months. I won’t see my machine until December or January, but I’m trying to dive-in and learn the software side of CNC carving.
One of the first projects I want to try is V-Carving an image into a curved surface. Something on the order of 12 to 20" radius of curvature. It’s probably a little too curved to attempt a “flat” V-Carve into the surface.
What software would you recommend for doing this? I’ve seen some videos about Vectric’s software that can do a “black/white gradient map” type thing where I suppose a 2D vector could be overlaid somehow to carve the 2D vector on a 3D surface. I might be completely mis-stating that, but if anyone has input on how to achieve this, I’d love to hear it! V-Carve Pro seems like a popular software choice, but it’s $600+ and I don’t even know if this type of carve can be done with V-Carve.
Thanks for the input, team!
That is pretty advanced, and while I know you don’t want to spend all kinds of $$ on software, Vcarve Pro and Aspire are the only packages that I know of that will do this.
Agree with Mark. 3D carve in 3D space, that’s difficult if you don’t have a 4th dimension. If your material is curved, your spindle will need to also tilt to stay perpendicular to the face while cutting - which is clearly not possible with 1F or most hobbyist machines. If you are OK with a little less precise carve, then if you can accurately approximate the curve in all directions, you might be able to pull off a 3d carve using Aspire or Fusion. I’m super interested if you can pull it off and what it takes. Seems like an interesting task for Winston Moy 
I’m really not so much concerned about the carve being perpendicular to the surface along the radius of curvature, mostly I just didn’t want the carve to be deep in the center and shallow out toward the edges too badly. I think I’ll have to experiment with the V- bit angles And try to find a compromise.