Woodworker 35 left side dragging

my machine seems to be dragging(stuttering) on left side after moving 6 to seven inches from very front of machine homing position after that it goes the full 32 inches smoothly

Not a lot of details?


My guess from the video is that only one of your Y rails is moving (also looks like your machine is WAY past the ‘clean and maintaince’ stage :yum:

Go through each step in this FAQ:

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Hey Tim,

have you ensured your machine is already adjusted for rectangularity and coplanarity? If it is not, your Y axes may block or have “hiccups”.

I have had this machine for years and carved many projects with a few problems caused by me! so come to find out I was having problems with my probe the wire has come off the spring twice now and when I was messing with the connector it came lose enough to stop the left motor completely so the motor on right was driving everything. I followed first step of troubleshooting removing the x completely from the y and z rail and saw that only one motor was running.the new probe is 17 dollars but they want 20 dollars to ship so I guess I will solder again or just put an alligator clip on it

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