Z-20 slider and homing

I installed a new Z-20 slider with a PwnCNC air cooled spindle. Everything was fine when first installed. I did have to upgrade the BB firmware to the latest to include the PwnCNC spindle as a tool.

After setting for a while I fired up the machine today and z-axis homing just vibrates away. I had to e-stop the machine and look up how to fix this issue. I have the stall amps set at 4 to get it to work but it sounds terrible. Is this normal? Is it safe to leave the setting at 4 from the factory setting of 1.

Ran a sample run and it worked well but wanted to make sure I am not going to damage anything.

PS>. downgraded the firmware to 1.2 (latest gold code) and had the same issue. Back up to latest beta for BB.



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Well…wink,wink…it helps to LISTEN to the video. DECREASED the amperage rather than increased and all is well.


Thanks everyone!


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Hey st,

it’s just like with eggs. You can boil them, and boil them, and boil them, they don’t get soft! :slight_smile:


What video are you referring to?

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