Z-20 vs. Z-16 Z Slider Physical Differences

What are the physical differences between Z-20 and Z-16 Z sliders?
How do I know which Z slider I have?

Please use the following pictures and information to identify which Z slider type you have.

  1. Gantry mounting hole position.
    Z-20 has 5 mounting holes on bottom and 3 on the top.
    Z-16 has 3 mounting holes on bottom and 3 on top.

  1. Motor Size.
    Z-20 has a larger, high torque nema 23 stepper motor that is 75mm tall.
    Z-16 has a regular nema 23 stepper motor that is 55mm tall.

  1. Rod size. The Z sliders get their name by the diameter of the steel rods.
    Z-20 rods are 20 mm in diameter.
    Z-16 rods are 16 mm in diameter.

  1. Ball screw size and thread.
    Z-20 ballscrew is 16/10. 16 diameter, 10 pitch. This allows for faster travel when compared to the z-16.
    Z-16 ballscrew is 10/4. 10 diameter, 4 pitch.

This is useful when performing a reset on the BB controller and need to identify which z slider to select. How To Reset The Configuration To Defaults (BB Controller)