Z axis numerically responds/moves on controller, but doesn’t physically move

To preface: I’m still trying to get my wasteboard set up installed, tram router and flatten the spill board; so I’m at the beginning stages and have had only one carve to create a through hole/T nut base layer to the spoilboard set up. Bought used and functioned before. I’ve also searched the forum and Facebook group and turned up empty handed.

Problem: my Z axis numerically registers on the controller’s screen that the router is moving up and down but physically, nothing is happening.

Data: i did the basic “stupid question” once over and E stop isn’t engaged, no noise/humming signifying that a motor is fried, checked low voltage plug n play wire harness between controller and z axis and view zero signs of wear, restarted, homed, unplugged everything Z axis related and non related and plugged back in Also took a volt meter to the X axis pins inside the harness to get a “base” idea of what voltage looks like when it’s applied to a command via the controller. All readings ranged between 12-36volts. All readings under .8 volts when checking the Z axis. Z- and Z+ on the screen don’t physically make it move either.

Anyone ever checked for voltage and knows what they’re supposed to be?
Had the same issue?
Ohm’ed out the stepper motor to see if windings are good, if so where/how?
Controller software issue since no humming noise or output voltage?

I am new to the community so ignorance is not the intention w my questions, pure novite. I can provide videos to show the problem real time if needed.

Thanks in advance!

Take a look through this faq:

Confirmed and upgraded software.
Examined, plugged and unplugged wiring.
Attempted homing machine after booting back up, same issue. Numerical values appear on controller screen, no physical movement to reflect on Z axis.

As stated per the email follow up, latest software from Dec 2, 2022, v 1.2.1 wasn’t installed. Took care of it once updated.