Z depth gone bonkers

I have a 2 year old journeyman using carbide create pro. I just installed a Pwncnc spindle and my carbide create z depth/cut has gone haywire. if I set up to cut a 1/4" bit .375 deep in 3 .13 passes it actually will plunge .375 on the first cut then the 2 more .375 cuts. luckily its an MDF spoil board.
I also tested a .13 depth of cut at .13 plunge rate and it actually cuts .13 deep 3 times.
I might have messed up the tool configuration screen as I was going to set it up to automatically start cutting but decided to just manually start the spindle with the on button on the vfd.
I am suspect that my carbide create pro software has developed a bug but it I am suspect that that is the cause while installing the spindle and its not operator fault during install.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You can check the gcode created in a text editor and see the z level instructions (or use an online gcode viewer). This will confirm whether or not the software is producing unusal output.

If you want to you can upload your .crv file and someone might take a look at it for any odities in the setup (a second set of eyes).

You could try reaching out to the software vendor via their support.

You can also try loading up the gcode in ncviewer.com. Open up the digital readout and then play the file. It will run a simulation and show how deep the Z is going for each pass.
