Z Heights problems

I am having a problem with my height changing. The only way I can make sure my Z height is correct is to reset it every time after a tool change. I have an XYZ Probe and tool setter. It seems that when I use these, I’m taking a chance on my z changing. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. Can anybody help me. When I say it doesn’t work, I mean my z Will be higher or lower than what was originally zeroed.

hard to help without all the details what software are you using? Are all your offset turned off?
What if you run your g code in a simulator? etc…

V Bit? You should not probe a v bit x/y only z

From the picture it appears to be a 1/4" downcut bit.
Since the second picture shows that the top of the part is now Z-.1998 ( and I assume it started out at Z0 ) this indicates to me that the cutter could have pushed up into the collet. That is the first thing I would check - are you tightening the collet tight enough.

If it is a Makita router it needs to be clamped tighter that an ER11 collet.

A downcut bit will naturally want to push up into the collet and an upcut bit will naturally want to pull down out of the collet.

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