The other problem I have is when I try to download a file in the bottom right corner there is a box that says Customized file and when I press this Another box appears saying all files but it won’t let me highlight it what am I doing wrong? Any advice would be great Dez
I haven’t seen that error message before - my best guess would be there is something wrong with the gcode file or it contains non gcode type commands in it. As for the “customised files” vs “all files” you should stick with “customised files” as that will limit you to selecting .nc .ngc .gcode or .gc files which are the typical extensions for a gcode program file. If you upload the specific gcode file that is failing for you I can attempt to load it and look for an issue.
Hi thanks for take the time to look at my problem,
I’m try to cut a spoil board it’s a file from a guy on ytube he’s posted it for free on thingyverse here is the link
I’ve had my1f for about6 weeks now and only manged to cut one thing out for my daughter so any help is really appreciated thanks again Dez
The file shared on thingaverse is a .obj file, you can’t load it directly on the Onefinity controller. You would need to open it on something like Fusion 360 and create the gcode files for the Onefinity to run.
I would consider this to be a good Feature Request for the docs. Neither the Owner’s Manual on page 30 “Loading a Program” nor the official video “Loading a Program” says something like “Be sure to load only files suitable for a cnc, i.e. containing gcode”. This leads to many beginners making this mistake.
On the other hand, nobody should think that one learns how to operate a CNC machine by reading the machine’s manual. It would be a bit like learning to drive a car by reading the manual for the car.
Firmware v1.0.8 does not allow for anything other than gcode the controller will work with to be loaded (or shown). Previous firmware did not have that check.
it’s true that this type of error reporting cannot be understood by a normal user. But to avoid these, the programmer needs to catch up all possible user errors.