3d carve Chatter marks

Iv been playing around with different speeds and speeds and no matter how fast or slow i go i get these chatter marks. Using TBN skinny jenny 150IPM 100plunge 15k RPMs. The picture is cherry wood im using and screwed down in each corner with 1 1/4 inch screws. Any ideas?

I have a current project with chatter marks because, i believe, the created gcode (vectric) has many very close and short changes in z. This is causing the steeper to loose steps. My issue, i believe (i will be trying to correct and test today) is the quality (smoothness) of my model around where the imported model terminates.

You may have a similar cause. Have a look at your toolpath in NCviewer.

Update: My issues was primarily some TLC of the ZSlider (Sticking) and secondly z movements to rapid for a z-axis needing cleaning and lubrication


It looks more like stepover ridging than chatter. These are caused when the bit changes direction and steps over to a new angle. Reduce your stepover percentage down to between 8-10% for best results.

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My stepover is at 8%