3D Milling Project - Tool Handle

A sequel to my Eames Bird project 3D Milling Project - Eames House Bird

I wanted to design my own model using the Fusion 360 sculpt environment. A pruning saw might not be the most exciting thing, but this was something I needed. Pruning saws usually come with a short handle or a really long extension pole. I just wanted one to reach a reasonable distance.

I bought a replacement blade, photographed it, and imported it into Fusion and calibrated it for size. I used the parametric design environment to lay out the handle curve and hole locations, but the shape was done in the sculpting environment. Sculpting is fun! You have to spend a bit of time to get the hang of it, but I found it pretty intuitive.

To cut this, I used the same technique as for the Eames bird. Drill holes for some 1/4" dowels to act as locating pins for when the part is flipped over. Except in this case this handle was too long for my CNC XY and I had to cut it using the full diagonal capacity.

A couple tricks for doing this type of milling. First model your part as a component. This lets you move the entire thing around easily. Second, model your stock in the design environment. Match the height to your stock, but make the X and Y a bit smaller. In the manufacturing environment, drill holes at opposing corners (diagonal in this case). You will also use these corners to set your WCS for each side. I use my 1/4 end mill to drill these pins but use a hand drill to finish it if the stock is too thick for the endmill to go through into the wasteboard without binding or hitting the holder.

Doing it this way makes part alignment foolproof. A model is required to drill holes so this is why you model your stock. You can then locate your component anywhere within your stock boundary (allowing for milling around it of course).

The part is finished with some Target Coatings poly tinted with Transtint. I just wiped a few coats on. The material is white oak.