5 Gallon Dust Separator

For those of you who are using a dust extractor with a 5 gallon dust separator are you having to empty the bucket frequently? I was looking at the options on Oneida’s website and noticed that they have both a 5 and 10 gallon option for the dust deputy and wondered if it was necessary to have the larger capacity not having used a CNC before. Trying to assemble all of the accessories needed along with building a table before my machine arrives.

The CNC is not nearly as bad as my planer. I never have to empty a 5 gallon bucket when using the CNC for five to eight hours but i have to empty it after using my planer for 30 minutes.


Thank you, exactly what I was looking to hear. The 5 gallon will fit better under the table I’m building too.

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It really depends on how much work you do. I did use a 5 gallon but was making a lot of things for a store I had an agreement with. I had to empty every 2~3 days so I upgraded to a 15 gallon.

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Makes sense. Nice setup!

Where did you get the 15 Gallon bucket?

Where we all go to buy things now days. Amazon see attached picture

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Thanks for the info.