Ability To Stop Machine Remotely

Hey warnersmith, hey all,

on the buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller (on the Original/X-50/PRO machines) that is connected to a local network, you simply open a web browser on your remote computer and open the Onefinity User Interface (usually under http://onefinity.local/): There you click on the shutdown button on the side menu. Voilà.

Of course you can also log in via ssh and sudo the shutdown command. But why not use the Onefinity User Interface. A web browser is present on every remote computer, a ssh client perhaps not.

This sets up a link-local connection due to the zero-configuration networking that is installed on the Onefinity Controller:

How to access your local network from the WWW through your DSL router’s firewall should not be a topic on this forum. There are tons of howtos in the WWW for that. What you need to know that using a link-local address like described in the support document above is not suitable in this case so you would have to setup the network configuration on the Onefinity controller, e.g. like this:

# This is /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        address 192.168.220.▮▮▮

        ## == ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ is our DSL gateway: ==
        gateway 192.168.220.▮▮▮

        ## Use this when ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ is our Gateway:
        dns-nameservers ▮▮▮.▮▮▮.▮▮▮.▮▮▮  ▮▮▮.▮▮▮.▮▮▮.▮▮▮

        ## == We have local name servers: ==
        #dns-nameservers 192.168.220.▮▮▮  192.168.220.▮▮▮

Replace the “▮▮▮”'s by useful numbers on your local network.

You activate this with the command

ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0

The rest would be your DSL router’s configuration to have an port open to the WWW and how to forward incoming requests to the Onefinity Controller’s address. See the tons of howtos in the WWW. You may also setup a DMZ and put the Onefinity Controller into it. Or better set up a VPN.

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