Has any one figured out a way to have the OF controller connect to a Windows share on a LAN.
I know you can use a PC or laptop and connect to the controller and upload files that way but I want to be able to do it the other way. Controller => PC share and not the other way around.
It would be much easier for my wife if I can set this up for her. No need for extra machines in the dusty workshop or running back into the house to upload a file to the CNC.
Is this possible?
If so, how would I accomplish this?
These are the steps I did to gain access to a Windows share from the OneFinity controller.
Step 1.
Create a shared folder in Windows. I provided Everyone Full Control on this share for simplicity.
I called my share :: CNC_Stuff
Step 2.
SSH to the OF
→ ssh bbmc@ipaddressOfOnefinity
Step 3.
Install Samba on the OF controller
→ sudo apt install samba samba-common-bin smbclient cifs-utils
Step 4.
Create a folder on the controller
→ mkdir /mnt/foldername
Step 5.
Get the IP address of your Windows machine :
→ sudo mount.cifs //<>/<> /mnt/<<foldername from Step 4>> -o user=bbmc,vers=2.0
Follow Steps 1, 2, 3, 4
Step 5. (Optional)
Make it so the share is connected to when the controller boots up
→ sudo nano /etc/fstab
Add the following line
Using either the Windows servername or IP address (XXX)
Windows Share Name (YYY)
Name of folder created in Step 4.
→ //XXX/YYY /mnt/ZZZ cifs username=bbmc,password=onefinity,vers=2.0 0 0
Save the file (Ctrl o) [Enter]
Close the editor (Ctrl x)
Check to make sure the share is mounted
→ sudo mount -a