Accessolries - Adding a Laser component to my system 44 watt?

I would like to add a 44 watt laser to my system the one that 1F offers- from Jtech.- But i am unclear as to what all i need to order to make this a simple upgrade. Do i need an extension on the cable (it only comes with a three foot cable but my journeyman footprint is much larger…) What do I need in terms of the air assist component?
Software? Do i need to buy Lightburn- if so which version? I have V-carve Pro and I it has a laser component (i think) but is it sufficient for the seamless upgrade that I want…)
Basically - what do I need to make it work from day one? Is there a kit that has what I need?
And as in my last question- is the 44 watt overkill? I mostly want it for the engraving and thin plywood cutting… 3mm etc.

Cable - none, it comes with everything you need
Software - Lightburn GRBL

That’s it.

So, no Air assit is recommended?

Missed that, required on the 44w.
It comes with the nozzel and air hose. You need the pump. more info on that is in the ‘laser’ category of the faq section.

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