Hello all! I too am getting started with CNC wood working. I have ordered a Onefinity Woodworker and it is due to be delivered near Christmas. Hopfully I’ve been a good boy and Santa will have a suprise for me . Until then I am working on a few designs and am looking to your suggestions on good online resoures for searching and downloading .dxf files to be use in various projects. And are the free sites adequate? Or is it work using a paid membership? Thanks for your suggestions.
I tend to avoid DXF files as they’re often pretty wonky when dealing with curves (the format approximates curves vs having true bezier curve representations) due to the age of the format & its attempt to be a lowest common denominator.
You’ll find that SVGs have supplanted DXF as a format for many uses including CNC work. Any of the CAD apps you’ll want to use will be able to import SVG files as well as DXF.
Thanks very much Jim, I can see that the DXF are hard to find. I’ll work on gettinng go at iporting the SVG.
Joe - agree with Jim. You can use Inkscape for both formats - you can open/save DXF or SVG, but certainly SVG is a better format for accurately reproducing certain geometries.
Got it. Thanks Tom. Will shift gears towards SVG
Hey Tom,
This I found cool what svg can do.