Bit info on OneFinity control screen

Hey Guys,

Does the Onefinity controller screen tell you which bit to use when it pauses during a project?

For example, if I forget the bit I chose in VCarve for a specific tool path, can I see the bit info somewhere in the Onefinity control screen? I see in the G Code where it shows a bit change but I don’t see where I can pull up the bit info.



The advice is not to have bit changes in a gcode file but to have separate files for each bit used.

Bonus of separate files is that you can add a bit description to the file name.

I find adding an op number to the file name useful. E.g:



Thanks for the reply!

I actually was using separate files for each bit, but I didn’t label them with the bit name in the title. I’ll have to start doing this for future projects.

In the meantime, is there anywhere in the controller screen that I can check the bit info? For example in VCarve, when you hover your cursor over the tool path, all of the bit info pops up. I figured this info would also be available in the Onefinity controller screen if needed for reference.

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The only thing it will show is ‘tool number’. So if you know which tool number is which bit ( 1, 2 ,3 etc) that’s how. If not, there is not way to know.

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Is this something that could be added to a future software update? I think it would be super useful for everyone to have your bit info pop up when the machine pauses for a bit change.

There’s nothing in the gcode that says what type of bit is being used.

You can manually add a msg line to the gcode I believe but the filename approach is easiest.


Ok, I’ll stick to the filename approach. I guess coming from a photography background, I figured that the gcode would include the bit info, like metadata is included on a photo.

It is more a function of the software you used to generate the g-code to include a message for which tool to include some will add in a message to “change to tool x” before the probe cycle, some will not. You can add the g-code messages yourself if you want to keep it all in one file but between that and having to jog to re-probe between tools most find it easier to use multiple files.

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I’m using VCarve Pro. Is it tough to add the bit info into gcode? I’m new to all of this, so if it’s too much, I won’t bother and will try to remember to add the bit info into the title of each toolpath.

Not hard really, you can edit the gcode file in any text editor you like. Search for the line(s) with a M6 command in them, this is what causes the probe cycle to run. Just above that you can add a MSG statement with the tool description.

M0 (MSG, Install .250 flat endmill)

If you have a spindle (not the Makita router), the message will appear but the spindle will continue to run, don’t worry - hit continue and the probing code will stop the spindle for you to change the tool.

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This is very cool! With the Makita router, will the code stop the spindle from running? I always have to shut the switch off but it would be cool if it shut it down automatically. I found this out the hard way last night when doing a tool change. I shut the router off, changed the tool, re-probed Z zero and pushed play. I didn’t even realize that I hadn’t turned the router back on. Between my shop vac running and the dust boot covering my line of sight to the bit, I completely missed it. Rookie mistake but one I won’t soon forget.

The code will not stop the Makita router from spinning, you need to switch it on and off manually.

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Replace the makita with a spindle then you can switch it off.

Or use a relay on L1 or L2 to switch the router on/off and ditto a vacuum. I havent done this but others have.


You might want to consider using the Job Sheet. It has been a while since I have used it but it is the secon last icon just before the gcode icon on the Toolpath panel.

In addition to using the bit name in the file, I name files starting with Op[setup number][alphabetic sequence] [name] Z[shorthand] [bit]

This results in an in order file structure that helps orient me when it takes more than one session in the shop.

It looks something like this

Op01A Elephant ZLoLeTop 8th
Op01B Elephant ZLoLeTop 8 ball
Op02A Elephant ZLoRiBot 8th

And if it’s complex, like the elephant, I’ll take a pic of my computer screen showing the orientation of the cam orientation so I can get a visual as I am doing the setup. I’ve tried to use setup sheets from fusion but I haven’t spent enough time with them to make it faster than naming and screens shots.

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Hey Andy, hey Trevor, hey BJ, hey Derek, hey all,

the correct pin to hook up a relay that switches the milling motor on and off is not L1 (pin 2) or L2 (pin 1) but Tool-enable (pin 15). ‘Tool-enable’ is controlled by the commands M3 (milling motor on) in conjunction with Sx command (where x>0) and M5 (milling motor off), which are commands that are already there in every g-code program.

If you used the ‘L1’ (workpiece flood coolant on/off) or ‘L2’ (workpiece mist coolant on/off) outputs for this instead, then you would always have to make sure the M7, M8, and M9 commands are inserted into your program, whereas M3/M5 (motor start/stop) commands are already included :slight_smile:.

I think what you remembered Andy was the other day when Branden @WildMtnCraftworks discovered that ‘tool-enable’ ceases to work when he sets ‘tool-type’ to VFD, and he was looking for alternatives for switching coolant and dust collection on (he had problems using the DRV/UPF outputs of his VFD for driving Arduino inputs). But since Trevor does not use a spindle/VFD, he has no reason to set ‘tool-type’ to a VFD, so there would be no reason why not to use the ‘Tool-enable’ (pin 15) functionality of automatic switching on and off for the router.

Using ‘Tool-enable’ for switching router on and off automatically by the g-code program is also what @satoer does on its Remote Control Panel (newest version see

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I’m running a spindle so no issues with on/off for me (S0 works like a champ without or without M5), I’ve seen where others have used the M7/M8/M9 to control IoT and SSR type relay - since the OP question was about bit names I was trying not to go too far out in the weeds while answering the question but I felt compelled to include the ‘turn off the spinning cutter of pain’ step :wink:

Hey Derek,

but you have seen how much the original poster is interested in the side topic :slight_smile:

You guys are speaking Greek to me (being new to CNC), but I find it all very interesting. I’m desperately trying to understand. Lol

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